Mayor Richard “Riggs” Rigoglioso, a lifelong resident known to family and friends as “Richie Riggs” was sworn in as Garfield’s newest Mayor on January 1, 2017. Richie was a 1983 Garfield High School Graduate who went on to acquire his profound sense of storytelling at Plymouth State University, where he graduated in 1987. Being a diligent student of having fun while acquiring knowledge, Richie went on to receive his Masters of Education, plus an additional 30 graduate credits, from New Jersey University. His bachelor days came to an end after he first met his future wife Jessie (Figueroa), and altogether they have six children, all who attend the Garfield Public School system: Olivia, Richard, Giada, Joseph, Sofia and Anthony.
If you know anything about Richie, “political correctness” is not one of his fortes, so a position in politics did not seem a likelihood in his future, however marriage and 6 kids tend to change person’s perspective in live. As a lifelong resident and principal in Garfield, Richie Riggs understands the importance of “Quality of Life” and made that a high priority of his winning campaign in the 2016 election. Richie Riggs wants to see the growth of new businesses and expansion of existing businesses, the redevelopment of Passaic Street, the addition of new programs and sports for our youth, and the continuation of beautification in our City. He is passionate about Garfield, and strives daily in the R & R of Garfield; that is the revitalization and redevelopment of Garfield into the hidden gem of Bergen County. His goal, as well as the goal of the Garfield City Council, is to enhance the opportunities for many young families to move to Garfield and to help young adults return and keep residence in Garfield, all the while assuring strong future for the City of Garfield.