The Mission of ANHE: Promoting healthy people and healthy environments by educating and leading the nursing profession, advancing research, incorporating evidence-based practice, and influencing policy.
In December 2008, fifty nursing leaders were selected to represent the nursing profession at a 4-day, invitational meeting to develop a strategic plan for environmental health nursing. They represented the following: nursing sub-specialty organizations ranging from nurse midwives, school nurses, and nurse practitioners, to critical care, neonatal, and public health nurses: state nursing associations; as well as the national organizations of Black and Hispanic Nurses Associations. While there were many small accomplishments at this meeting, the two that stand out are the following:
- A national organization was born – the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments
- An organizational structure was constructed and 4 main Work Groups were created to begin the important work of this new Alliance: Education, Practice, Research, and Policy/Advocacy.
In June of 2009, ANHE developed a guiding document that drives the work of the work groups. Read: the ANHE Wingspread Statement