Creating an Engaged Community

Creating an Engaged Community

During the summer many of us go on vacations and while vacations are greatly needed by us all, there is a significant drop in blood donations during this time of the year. Weekly donations are on a steady decline this summer. Two weeks before July 4th, 7,500 and 6,500...
Motivated to Make a Difference

Motivated to Make a Difference

Engaging with leaders from various industries in my county on the COYL task force has shown me that I CAN make a difference for my community. Dr. Nina Vaid Raoji
Something Different

Something Different

I am currently a member of the Somerset County Conversation of Your Life task force. I was invited to be a guest panelist at the April 11, 2018 “Have you had the Conversation?” at the Franklin Township Public Library. This event was part of the New Jersey Health Care...